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Karteraki (Mix with 10 Cretan Herbs) 80gr


Karteraki is a trademark registered as a decoction for all Cretans. It is the traditional Cretan tea, particularly relaxing and tonic for the stomach, ideal for all hours of the day and all seasons. Based on the traditional Cretan recipe, it is made by our store by harmoniously mixing dittany, sage, mint, clove, marjoram, fennel, louiza, cinnamon, malotira and chamomile, all from the mountains of Crete.

Olive Wood Spoon 15cm


Olive, the tree of life! For centuries now it has been the trademark of Greece. Typically, the olive branch was given as the first prize to the winners of the Olympic Games in Antiquity.

Olive wood has unique waters with shades ranging from sugar and pink to black. It is also a natural and healthy choice and at the same time it is very durable as a material due to the high density of wood (92%) so it does not scratch and does not absorb odors or stains. Objects made from olive wood come from parts of the tree being pruned and so the tree remains alive and healthy.

The products produced are unique since they are all handmade but also different from each other.

Traditional Rakomelo (Raki-Tsikoudia & Honey) Lyraki40ml



The marriage of the excellent Cretan tsikoudia (raki) Lyraki with pure Cretan honey results in the authentic Lyraki rakomelo (raki & honey). The sweet version of raki – rakomelo is served frozen in a shot or hot on cold winter days. Try both versions and you will be rewarded.

Traditional Tsikoudia (Raki) Lyraki 40ml


 Raki accompanies the Cretans in their daily life. Serve frozen in a shotgun. Try it always frozen while a glass of raki is ideal for digestion after eating.
For the distillation of the excellent aromatic and ideal for company raki (tsikoudia) Lyraki, only fine grapes from special local varieties are used. The collection of grapes is done under strict control while the process of creating raki is based on the traditional way.